When Fear Challenges Our Faith

Psychiatrists have diagnosed as many as 500 phobias. A phobia is an irrational fear that causes a person to feel extreme anxiety. They include everything from atelophobia (the fear of not being good enough) to zelotypophobia (the fear of jealousy). Not all fear is bad. It is a God-given emotional response that can save your life. Fear can be a very healthy thing.

However, like most emotions, fear can overflow its banks and bring a happy, productive life to a standstill. People have lost a promising career, because they refuse to step on an airplane (aviophobia). Others never leave their house (agoraphobia) or live in darkness because they fear light (photophobia). Others live in homes that become virtual garbage dumps. We call them hoarders, but many don’t hoard because of their want of stuff, but because they have a fear of getting rid of it (disposophobia).

Spiritually, fear can also be a good thing. Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” There can be healthy fear of consequences that can help us make wise choices and avoid sin. However, fear can also be the enemy of faith, and paralyze us spiritually, and keep us from going where God wants us to grown.

Faith often leads us to go where we would never venture on our own. Therefore, it isn’t unusual after a huge spiritual victory to look back and have a feeling of fear. Many times throughout Scripture, God has to tell His servants, “Do not be afraid.” This includes Abraham. This message examines Abraham’s fear how it connects to our own deeper fears. There are several things we can learn from Abraham about what to do when fear challenges faith.